Parenting Human Beings

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Episode 1: Introduction to the Parenting Human Beings Podcast

Eugena W. Maguire is a social worker and former “struggling” foster parent, whose goal in creating the PHB podcast is to help parents gain insight so they can feel empowered as the answer to their children. Limping into adulthood and trying to make sense of her own childhood, Eugena fatefully stumbled upon the work of Dr. Gordon Neufeld and others, ultimately bringing her into her current role: helper, healer, facilitator and curious journey companion to parents, educators and any adults who care about kids. Eugena offers parenting coaching and is the organizer of the Into the Heart of Trauma Conference for parents and professionals.  In this first episode Eugena relays her intent for wanting to serve parents with the PHB podcast and invites your questions for future segments via email at Happy listening!

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Episode 1: Intro to the PHB podcast Eugena W. Maguire